Latest Print Issue Current IssueView All Print IssuesLooking Aheadmore...more...Lions Are Spreading Joy and Feeling It, TooMost people join a Lions club to make a difference and help their communities. But here's the thing — they end up finding so much more than they ever expected. So, what exactly makes being a Lion so special? We took a peek at our latest member satisfaction survey to…more...February 10th, 2025 President's MessageEmbracing the Lion ExperienceDear Lion, The work we do as Lions has a profound impact on countless communities and lives — including my own. Becoming a Lion 40…more... MISSION 1.5MISSION 1.5 Achievers Celebrated!The 2023-24 MISSION 1.5 award winners have set a new standard for membership growth and engagement, inspiring Lions worldwide to achieve our shared goal of…more... Club NewsClub News – August 2023The Long Point Lions Club and the Long Point Lioness Lions in Ontario, Canada, hosted an evening meal for the A2 Lions International Youth Exchange.…more...Lions Are Spreading Joy and Feeling It, TooMost people join a Lions club to make a difference and help their communities. But here's the thing — they end up finding so much more than they ever expected. So, what exactly makes being a Lion so special? We took a peek at our latest member satisfaction survey to…more...February 10th, 2025 President's MessageEmbracing the Lion ExperienceDear Lion, The work we do as Lions has a profound impact on countless communities and lives — including my own. Becoming a Lion 40 years ago filled a gap in my life I didn’t even know existed. While I had been blessed with a beautiful family and a successful business career, it wasn’t until I joined Lions that I discovered the incredible rewards of being part of a group dedicated to serving others. The friendships, leadership opportunities and sense of fulfillment have left an indelible mark on my life. For that, I am profoundly grateful. As Lions, it’s important…more...