Past LCIF Support Prepares Sierra Leone for COVID-19 From 2014 to 2016, Sierra Leone battled the Ebola virus. That battle helped prepare them for today’s battle with COVID-19.
LCIF Eases a Heavy Burden in Tanzania Imagine trekking across the savannah with your child in the blistering sun to collect water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and farming. For you, the three-mile journey is grueling, but standard practice. For your 5-year-old daughter, it’s an exhausting trip that brings sweat to her tiny forehead and introduces the challenges of living in a water-stressed […]
Stopping the Spread: Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign in West Bengal Measles and rubella are highly contagious viral diseases that spread easily through coughing or sneezing and can cause life-threatening health complications. Despite the availability of safe and cost-effective vaccines, thousands of infants and children die from both diseases worldwide each year. Lions in West Bengal saw an opportunity to help. Since vaccination is the most […]
A Shelter of Strength: The Lagos Childhood Cancer Caregiver Home The Federal Medical Center (FMC) in Lagos is one of Nigeria’s premier hospitals for treating childhood cancer. Many parents and caregivers travel from across Nigeria to seek treatment here. According to Past District Governor (PDG) Kema Benedicta Ashibuogwu, “Many children diagnosed with cancer come from outside Lagos State and do not have relatives or friends […]
Lions Quest: Empowering Youth Across the Globe Over the course of four decades, Lions Quest has made a profound impact on youth, experienced exponential growth and formed meaningful partnerships to help young people reach their full potential. Lions Quest is Lions Clubs International Foundation’s (LCIF) comprehensive and universal, evidence-based social and emotional learning program. This year marks the 40th anniversary of LCIF’s […]
Addressing Hygiene Needs in the Southern Peninsula: SPLaSh Program Upgrade Homelessness has been a major problem in the Southern Peninsula of Australia for many years. Rising rental prices and a severe lack of housing stock in the area has pushed people out onto the streets. “It is truly heartbreaking to witness the hardships faced by those without homes in our area. It is crucial for […]
Enhancing Care: Upgrading the Pediatric Oncology Ward at Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital The Pediatric Oncology Ward at the Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital in Turin, Italy, has been providing care to children with serious illnesses for over 50 years. The ward includes a Stem-Cell Transplant Unit that has been saving young lives since 1989. Bone-marrow transplants, also known as stem-cell transplants, are commonly used to treat certain types […]
Lion’s Mobility Park: Martensville’s Inclusive Eco-Friendly Playground Martensville, Saskatchewan, is a thriving city in western Canada that maintains its small-town charm. Recognizing the evolving needs of community members facing mobility challenges, Lions embarked on a mission to create an environmentally friendly playground that is inclusive for disabled children in the community. Lions of District 5 SKN displayed a tireless work ethic holding […]
Expanding Camp Sweet Life: The Type 1 Diabetes Camp for Youth Surrounded by beautiful trees and a glimmering lake, Camp Sweet Life’s idyllic location in southern Minnesota echoes the message of empowerment its counselors offer students with type 1 diabetes. Living with diabetes as a child can be challenging. It requires constant monitoring and a level of responsibility that may feel overwhelming for someone so young. […]
The Serenity Suite: A Haven for Healing Hearts Losing an infant during, or before, birth is a devastating and traumatic experience. Until now, there were not suitable facilities in South Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire, England, for the mothers and families who were experiencing this loss. They had to say goodbye to their babies in a busy labor ward, hearing other families celebrating the […]