Twenty Years Later

On Sept. 11, 2001, Shirley Brooks-Jones was on Delta Flight 15, headed from Frankfurt to Atlanta, from where she’d fly to her home in Ohio. She had no idea what was happening in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania or the real reason their plane was being diverted to Newfoundland. “We’ve got a problem with the […]

LCIF: A Foundation of Lions, a Foundation of Service

LCIF Magnifies Service During Disaster What’s more powerful than a pandemic intensified by wildfires, hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquakes? Lions. Magnifying their service through LCIF. To support communities through the COVID-19 pandemic, LCIF awarded Lions across the world more than US$5.3 million, which they used to protect frontline medical workers, provide food for people out of […]

Kindness Matters

Kindness comes naturally to Lions The Kindness Matters Service Award (KMSA) is given annually to a handful of Lions and Leo clubs for performing an outstanding service project in one of the global cause areas. Intended to recognize and encourage innovative and creative service projects that leave positive impacts on their communities, KMSA recipients are […]

Chocolate Tater Tots and Blue Feet

Losing her sight has not stopped Heather Bitzan from making her fabulous soups for her three sons. She can read recipes and food labels thanks to an ingenious device called the OrCam, a small camera attached to her eyeglasses that translates information into spoken words. “You know how boys are and eating,” says Bitzan with […]

Executive Summary – June 2021

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Atlanta, Georgia, USA June 13-16, 2021 Audit Committee The committee received a presentation from Crowe LLP regarding their plan for the association’s financial statement audit for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. A draft report will be discussed with the committee at the October 2021 board meeting. The committee received […]

Executive Summary – April 2021

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Virtual On-Line Meeting Oak Brook, Illinois, USA April 12-21, 2021   Audit Committee The committee received an update from Lions Clubs International Internal Audit including the scope, overall audit rating, and audit observations for completed audit projects. Follow-up on observations will be performed as part of the internal […]

Canned Goods Make Great Sculptures

The New Jersey Visionary Cyber Leo Club had a vision to bring together like-minded local organizations to achieve the goal of providing nutritious food for all members of their community – all while encouraging young people in the visual arts.

Flags and Flowers

Nearly six years ago 10-year-old Preston Sharp visited his Navy grandfather’s grave on Veteran’s Day. He was disappointed to see no one was honoring the vets on their special day. He decided to change that.

Candidates for 3rd Vice President

Svein Ǿystein Berntsen Svein Ǿystein Berntsen of Hetlevik, Norway, served as an International Director from 2014 to 2016. He is the owner and chairman of the board at a software group and is a member of the Askøy Lions Club. He has served as a board appointee, chairperson of the International Leadership Committee and chairman […]

Club News – April 2021

Stafford Township Lions Club in New Jersey started a Go Fund Me page for fundraising to support community projects including scholarships for graduating seniors, food gift cards, support of the Southern Regional Leo Club, free vision screenings in schools, and more. The Lemon Grove Lions in California sponsored their monthly Drive-Thru Food Distribution in their […]