LCIF Impact Stories

Addressing Hygiene Needs in the Southern Peninsula: SPLaSh Program UpgradeHomelessness has been a major problem in the Southern Peninsula of Australia for many years. Rising rental prices and a severe lack of housing stock in the area has pushed people out onto the streets.   “It is truly heartbreaking to witness the hardships faced by those […]

Riversyde 83: Easing Food Insecurity with Support from LCIF

Being able to fully grasp how deeply hunger affects lives can be difficult if you have not faced it yourself. Almost 1 billion people worldwide experience food insecurity and in Haldimand and Norfolk County, Canada, one in nine households are food insecure due to poverty.  Addressing the issue of hunger, however, is not just about […]

Lions Respond to ‘Disaster of the Century’ With LCIF Support

“Turkey is going through the most difficult days in its history,” says Past Council Chairperson Danyal Kubin, the disaster relief committee chairperson for MD 118 who is mobilizing Lions’ disaster relief efforts following the February 2023 earthquake and aftershocks that struck Turkey and Syria. Kubin is a structural engineer and seismic expert. He says this […]

LCIF Grant Funds Life-Saving Cancer Research in Australia

Gloom and rain don’t keep 13-year-old Jack from fishing with his grandfathers. What would have stopped him just a few years ago was aggressive cancer doctors weren’t sure he’d survive. Jack’s first bout with cancer was a brain tumor. With surgery removing the growth, Jack’s cancer was eradicated. Just 18 months later, however, cancer returned, […]

LCIF Helps Save Lives in IP Alexander’s Beloved Home Community

Desperate need. That’s one way to describe the situation in Brooklyn, New York’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, which happens to be home to International President Douglas Alexander. Historically a disadvantaged neighborhood, Bed-Stuy, as it’s known to locals, needed an ambulance, residents often waiting 45 minutes for help to arrive. With demand outpacing resources, people were dying. Eager […]

2019-2020 LCIF Annual Report

At the outset of my term as chairperson of Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), I imagined the day I would write this message, reflecting on global progress made possible by LCIF during the year. What I never imagined is how incredibly full my heart would be today. In a year like none before, I was […]

LCIF Special Feature

Hello Fellow Lion. I am excited about this Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) feature, highlighting valuable grant information, appreciation from beneficiaries touched by LCIF and Lions, a milestone celebration of SightFirst, Campaign 100 resources, exciting Lions Quest changes, and more! In exploring your foundation, I am confident you will gain new perspective and an inspired […]

LCIF Eases a Heavy Burden in Tanzania

Imagine trekking across the savannah with your child in the blistering sun to collect water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and farming. For you, the three-mile journey is grueling, but standard practice. For your 5-year-old daughter, it’s an exhausting trip that brings sweat to her tiny forehead and introduces the challenges of living in a water-stressed […]