The World According to Sound

This one-hour live show puts the listener in the dark Have you ever heard the hum of a giraffe? Did you even know they make sounds? Until recently, scientists didn’t either. It was assumed that their 13-foot long necks were too long to produce sufficient air flow to vibrate their vocal chords and produce noise. […]

From Beneficiary to Benefactor

The thing is, serving isn’t only about doing something for your community. When a club is truly respected and well-known, the community can’t help but give back. There’s No Place Like Home When the Granville Lions in New York learned that the community’s food pantry was running out of space in the basement of a […]

More Than One Way To Serve

Stories from LCIF’s 2017-2018 Annual Report Lions are doers. There is so much to be done in the world. And the physical act of helping can feel so good—hammering a nail in the frame of a new house for a tornado victim, ladling soup for a hungry child, or ushering a grandmother to her first […]

Animatronic Pets Bring Real Joy

It was early August 2018, and Susan Matroni was listening to the evening news from her home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, when she looked up and saw her mother on the television screen. “I don’t usually sit down and watch the news early, but for some reason I turned on the TV and I heard them […]

Canada Celebrates their Centennial

100 years of Lion service There are 47,000 Lions clubs in the world, but only one, the Windsor Downtown Lions, can say they made Lions an international organization. “And you’ll hear their club members say it over and over and over again. ‘We’re the club who made Lions Clubs International,’” says Past International President Judge […]

Your Best Lion Year Ever

2020 – 2021 Being a Lion isn’t only about serving; it’s also about having fun. With new clubs popping up, and old clubs taking a new look at how they Lion, there are all kinds of ways to design a fun and productive year of service. Here’s your guide to your best Lion year ever. […]

Executive Summary – Jan 2020

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA October 9-12, 2019 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEE Confirmed the decision of the majority of the conciliators in the district dispute resolution complaint filed by Al Rehab Lions Club, affirmed the international director endorsement of Past District Governor Ahmed Salem issued during the District 352 […]

Pride in the Valley

A black sheep leads the quest to make sure everyone is all right. Joyce Bergshoeff is a fast talker. Open and warm, the 48-year-old nurse and mother of three gushes the way proud mothers often do when describing their children. Growing up, her eldest child was “brilliant, very outgoing, a concert cellist.” It is the […]

Singapore: Lions Converge on the Lion City

June 26 to 30, 2020 Singapore is a place unlike any other. An independent city-state in Southeast Asia that is home to nearly 6 million people, this tiny nation is a vibrant blend of Asian and European cultures that make it the ultimate melting pot. It’s this diversity that makes Singapore the perfect destination for […]

A Blueberry Orchard for Generations

An Empty Space Next door to the Albany Victory Gardens in Albany, New York, were unsightly, deserted lots. There were homes on the land that were previously declared uninhabitable, so they sat empty, dangerous, and unbeneficial to the environment. Lion Gregory Sheldon envisioned a better use for this land. He partnered with Albany Victory Gardens, […]