A Redbud Revival

When spring arrives in Emporia, Kansas, it is with joy and a flourish of bright pink flowers.

Leaving It All Behind

Liz McMillan was at a community event in Ashburton District, New Zealand, about an hour’s drive from Christchurch, when she heard the news. A white supremacist had attacked Muslim worshippers at two mosques in New Zealand’s second largest city of Christchurch on the South Island, killing 51 people and injuring dozens more. The gunman, Brenton […]

Club News – December 2020

In Ohio, the Ashtabula Lions Club started a First Responders Project, delivering pastries each week to the area’s first responders. The Kensington Lions Club on Prince Edward Island, Canada, donated money to cover the cost for the water system in the lower level at Kensington Intermediate Senior High. In Texas, the Houston Lady Lions have […]

Prescription Pill Bottles Get New Life

Americans are used to receiving their prescription medications in hard plastic orange bottles with child-safety caps that keep pills stable. This isn’t the case for many living in low- or middle-income countries around the world, where medications can be dispensed in folded paper scraps, leaving them vulnerable to weather or accidental ingestion. A Cincinnati-based nonprofit, […]

Don’t Stop Believin’

The Edison Metro Lions in New Jersey first thought they could help others through COVID-19 by making non-medical facemasks for their community. But that didn’t materialize, says PDG Eddie Hui, founder and director of the Edison Metro Lions Club and music group. Sewing is not their expertise. Music is. The club’s motto is “We Serve […]

Let’s Celebrate Our Incredible LCI Forward Success

As we entered our second century of service, we had a vision: to increase our humanitarian impact, innovate our service, and position our organization, our global foundation and our clubs for long-term success. We needed a roadmap to successfully guide us into the future and help us reach these goals. LCI Forward became that bold […]

50th Anniversary of Earth Day

April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Established in 1970, the first Earth Day mobilized 20 million Americans and is credited with launching the modern environmental movement. It is now recognized as the planet’s largest civic event and has led to many landmark environmental laws. In 2016, the United Nations chose Earth […]

Taking Care of the Earth

As the world honors the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the environmentally conscious Lions of Bowie, Maryland, have their own big numbers to celebrate. The Lions will hit the 500 mark on rain barrel sales this spring, having sold the recycled plastic 55-gallon barrels since starting the project in 2010. And on April 18, they […]

After Flooding, the Revival of an Ecosystem

In the aftermath, the city of Fargo purchased the land (and homes) in the floodplain. The homes were razed and the area was banned from development. Jane Pettinger, a Lion who lives in Fargo, not far from the River, says the area was in limbo. The homes had been torn down, but the landscaping and […]