Article Archive05.01.2019A Leo Saved My LifeNeither one of them was supposed to be there that night. Bowling with friends, Garrett Towe, 17, was standing in his lane when he noticed a loud commotion two lanes over. A middle-aged man had collapsed. His body was shaking, and he threw up. “Does anybody know CPR?” someone shouted.…more...04.01.2019In the Wake of Flash Flood, New Club is BornBattered by heavy rainfall, residents of the small town of Nawapur, in the Nandurbar District of Maharashtra, woke up to flash floods on August 16, 2018. The Rangavalli river overflowed and the local dam was breached, flooding 10 villages in the district. About 14 lives were lost and 462 homes…more...03.01.2019Hides Make Happy CampersWhen deer hunting season begins each fall the Wisconsin Lions send out their message: We want your hide. The sale of deer hides is helping Lions send kids to summer camp. Through the bulk sale of hides donated by Wisconsin archery and gun sportsmen, Lions have raised more than US$1…more...03.01.2019Showing up Big for RhinosThe Mafikeng Lions care about rhinos. And they want the world to care, too. While they celebrate World Rhino Day every year, this year they tried something special. They partnered with the International School of South Africa and recruited 780 staff, students, and Lions and Leos of the Mafikeng club…more...03.01.2019Free FruitThe Ngongotaha Lions Club in New Zealand has given a barren roadside a whole new purpose. In 2016 the club donated more than 400 fruit and native trees to the Rotorua Ngongotaha Rail Park. Lion Ross Thompson, organizer of the event, said funding from the city council enabled them to…more...03.01.2019Among the GiantsTaller than Cinderella’s castle, wider than a city street, the Sequoias of California are among the largest trees in the world and more than 3,000 years old. Every year about 200,000 people stroll in their shadows at the Calaveras Big Trees State Park in California, and roughly 8,000 children visit…more...03.01.2019Lions Celebrate 20 Years of SightFirst in MadagascarCataracts are the number one cause of blindness. Moved to change the reality for those affected, more than 20 years ago, Lions in Madagascar started a SightFirst project to address the issue. Since then, the Lions have gone on to do so much more. “When we see the smiles of…more...03.01.2019We Speak for the TreesWith more than 1.4 million members, Lions have a powerful voice. And around the world, Lions are using that voice to raise awareness about climate change and mobilize. In 2011, then International President Wing-Kun Tam challenged Lions to plant 1 million trees. They responded by planting 15 million in every…more...03.01.2019A Quiet VoiceIn a poster he created for a literacy class assignment, Mark Barniville shared all about himself, just like the teacher wanted. It was one of those get-to-know-you types of activities for the beginning of the year. He drew a bike, because he liked riding bikes. He advertised his love for…more...03.01.2019International Women’s DayHow Lions Celebrate As part of the call to promote gender parity and increase the number of women in leadership positions, Lions Clubs International launched the New Voices Initiative, which is celebrating the contributions of outstanding women in its ranks. On March 8, 2019, Lions will be joining the global…more...Previous1…28293031Next