Article Archive09.18.2023Resilience Unveiled: Lions’ Response to Tonga’s Submarine Volcano DisasterIn late 2021, a massive submarine volcano erupted in Tonga, unleashing a catastrophic event. The eruption left a trail of destruction in its wake, with boats destroyed, neighborhoods covered in ash, and entire islands submerged. To make matters worse, an undersea cable became disconnected during the storm, leaving the true…more...08.16.2023Changing the WorldChange doesn’t happen all at once. It happens through many small choices. With every act of kindness, we change a life. With every Lions club and Leo club, we change a community. Bringing Out the Best in Others Lifting others up is what she does. Dr. Patti Hill is an…more...08.16.2023Life DerailedHome is the place you want to run to, not from. But home may never feel the same for the people of East Palestine, Ohio, who found their quiet small-town life turned upside down in one night of disaster. AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar On the evening of Feb. 3, Stella…more...08.16.2023The Service of ChampionsIn a half-century of competition, innumerable legacies and memories are built, but not all sporting events last 50 years. This October, the Alexandria Lions Meet of Champions will reach that milestone. And just as they’ve done every year since helping to launch the event, the Alexandria Lions Club will be…more...08.16.2023Let the Children PlayBorn with a bilateral clubfoot, seven-year-old Craig Griffin hasn’t had the strength or mobility to swing by himself at a playground for most of his young life. And there wasn’t a playground in his community with the equipment he needed to climb into a swing and pump his legs, a…more...08.16.2023Pickleball PandemoniumIf anybody knows how to serve, it’s the Lions. They’ve been acing it for more than 100 years. But serving in pickleball, now that’s a relatively new thing, and Lions who try it are getting stuck on it like syrup on pancakes. Pickleballin’ in the Midwest “Lifelong friendships are made…more...08.07.2023Partnerships with Purpose“When you remove a cataract, people who have not seen their children in years, suddenly see them. It is amazing to witness,” Past District Governor Sedrace Rwekikiya shared, while standing under the thick shade of the tree canopy just outside St. Francis Nsambya Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. As she continued…more...06.12.2023Official NoticeThe following proposed amendments to the International Constitution and By-Laws will be reported to the delegates for vote at the 2023 International Convention. Read amendments here. more...06.12.2023Candidates for 3rd Vice PresidentMark S. Lyon Mark S. Lyon, from Brookfield, Connecticut, USA, served as an international director from 2018 to 2021. He has worked in corporate legal administration and financial services for over 40 years and is currently board administration manager with Synchrony Financial. He has been recognized with numerous Presidential Awards,…more...06.12.2023Convention CallIn compliance with Article VI, Section 2 of the International By-Laws, I hereby issue the Official Call for the 2023 International Convention. Our 105th International Convention will be held in-person, with some events available on demand after the convention. It begins at 10 a.m. on July 7 and ends July…more...Previous1…34567…31Next