In compliance with Article VI, Section 2 of the International By-Laws, I hereby issue the Official Call for the 2021 International Convention. Our 103rd International Convention will be held virtually. It begins on June 24 and ends June 29. The purpose of the convention is to elect a president, first vice president, second vice president, third vice president and 17 members of the International Board of Directors and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

LCICon 2021 will be Lions Clubs International’s first-ever virtual convention. This new, exciting convention format gives every Lion around the world the opportunity to connect with each other and partake in the excitement that is LCICon. You’ll be able to experience all your favorite aspects of convention without leaving your home.

The five convention days will feature renowned speakers, first-class entertainers, and, of course, Lions’ convention traditions such as the grand parade, the swearing-in of the new international president and three plenary sessions that demonstrate the amazing range and scope of Lions’ service. World-renowned Humanitarian, Malala Yousafzai, will be one of the special guest speakers. And a special Business Session gives Lions an opportunity to hear from 3rd Vice President and International Director candidates.

Convention week is a wonderful experience packed with fellowship, fun, and learning. Come spend time with fellow Lions, participate in one of the campfire sessions, and become inspired for another year of service.

Dr. Jung-Yul Choi

Dr. Jung-Yul Choi

International President, Lions Clubs International