by Gudrun Yngvadottir May 1, 2019Convention CallIn compliance with Article VI, Section 2 of the International By-Laws, I hereby issue the Official Call for the 2019 International Convention. Our 102nd International Convention will be held in Milan, Italy. It begins at 10 a.m. July 5 and ends July 9. The purpose of the convention is to elect a president, first vice president, second vice president, third vice president and 17 members of the International Board of Directors and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.Milan is often called the birthplace of the renaissance and is home to many exquisite works of art, both old and new. Leonardo DaVinci also called this beautiful city home, which is what makes it such a great place for Lions to begin their own renaissance of service. Come stroll the streets and marvel at the architecture, sample the gelato, and take a side trip to the Lake District for a glimpse of how the rich and famous spend their leisure time. Do it all while mingling with fellow Lions.The five convention days will feature renowned speakers, first-class entertainers, and, of course, Lions’ convention traditions such as the grand parade, the swearing-in of the new international president and three plenary sessions that demonstrate the amazing range and scope of Lions’ service. Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair will be one of the special guest speakers. And a special Business Session gives Lions an opportunity to hear from candidates for international director.Convention week is a wonderful experience packed with fellowship, fun, and learning. Come spend time with fellow Lions, participate in one of the campfire sessions, and become inspired for another year of service.Gudrun YngvadottirInternational President