Lions have always known that serving is essential work. But as the global health crisis took hold this spring, many Lions found themselves as newly defined “essential workers.” It’s a surprise to no one that Lions work just as hard to help others on the job as they do on their time off.


Louise Seaton with her mother.

Louise Seaton

CLUB: Grimsby & District Lions Club, Ontario, Canada


WHY I’M AN ESSENTIAL WORKER: “I provide assessment, counseling, and therapy to a variety of outpatients who require support.”

HOW WORK HAS CHANGED: “I have much less interaction with colleagues. We meet over Zoom, and half of the team works part of the week from home and the other half [works from home] the opposite days. This ensures if someone does become infected, the entire team is not quarantined and can still function.” “Certainly, I have found this pandemic has caused increased stress for both me and my clients.”

ON BEING AN ESSENTIAL WORKER AND A LION: “I feel that my job and my role as a Lion is quite interconnected. As a registered nurse the role of service is imbedded into this profession. I enjoy helping others and finding new ways to do that is very rewarding to me personally.”


Tracy Krueger

OCCUPATION: Economic Self-Sufficiency Specialist for the Florida Department of Children & Family Services
CLUB: Venice Lions Club, Florida


WHY I’M AN ESSENTIAL WORKER: “Our program office approves food assistance and Medicaid for families and individuals in need. I’ve helped clients young and old who have had their life turned upside down in the blink of an eye. These are families who, in an instant, can’t afford to put food on the table. It’s heartbreaking at times, but also heartwarming to know I’m making such a profound impact on the lives of others.”

HOW WORK HAS CHANGED: “Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we filled a critical need. Now, our role has taken on an even greater need, as the number of families and individuals in crisis has greatly increased.”

ON BEING AN ESSENTIAL WORKER AND A LION: “I’m proud to share that I’m also able to help my community through my Venice Lions Club. We’ve financially supported local food banks to help bridge the gap for those in immediate need who have not yet received assistance through DCF and other programs.”


Dorothy Herring delivers May Day flowers to residents at the facility where she works.
Dorothy Herring delivers May Day flowers to residents at the facility where she works.

Dorothy Herring

OCCUPATION: Registered Nurse at a Private Care facility for retired nuns and their direct female relatives

CLUB: Valley Falls Lions Club, Kansas


WHY I’M AN ESSENTIAL WORKER: “I decided to become a nurse because I wanted to help others. I was raised in a family where my brothers and uncles are in service-related jobs (mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, farmers, electricians, truck drivers), and have always been involved in the community. I have always been called to serve, and I want to continue to do that during this time.”

HOW WORK HAS CHANGED: “The religious community that I work for is like a large family. The care facility that I work at is attached to the monastery (convent) and prior to the pandemic residents and the monastic sisters could go back and forth between the two facilities. Now, the entrances are barricaded.”

“I had to sign a contract stating that I would not do anything considered non-essential. I live with my mother and we don’t isolate at home, but we still keep our distances in the house, and when any family members come around, I usually leave the room/house to avoid being in contact with them.”

ON BEING AN ESSENTIAL WORKER AND A LION: “As a Lion, I feel that being an essential worker has added more of a social awareness to my service and extends my involvement beyond just my community.”

“No matter the situation, we still have to continue to serve. There is always some need that needs to be done, and I feel that the pandemic has made us have to be more creative on how we serve.”


Liz DiFrances juggles work as a 911 operator with her duties as a Lion.

Elizabeth (Liz) DiFrances

OCCUPATION: 911 responder

CLUB: Oak Creek Lions Club, Wisconsin


WHY I’M AN ESSENTIAL WORKER: “I’ve always gravitated to helping people.”

HOW WORK HAS CHANGED: “We haven’t changed how we respond, but we have added some steps to ensure responders don’t get sick so we can continue to help.”

“There has been an increase in calls by people concerned over their flu-like symptoms; people who are scared they have COVID-19.”

ON BEING AN ESSENTIAL WORKER AND A LION: “There are other Lions in the club who were firemen, police officers, and stuff like that. I like helping people, and being a Lion is another way to do that.”