Executive Summary – April 2021



Virtual On-Line Meeting

Oak Brook, Illinois, USA

April 12-21, 2021


Audit Committee

  • The committee received an update from Lions Clubs International Internal Audit including the scope, overall audit rating, and audit observations for completed audit projects. Follow-up on observations will be performed as part of the internal audit process.
  • The committee received an overview of Enterprise Risk Management providing and understanding of the initial steps and approach taken in implementing an organizational risk management framework.
  • The LCIF Grants Compliance Department provided an overview of the LCIF Grants Compliance process and an update on Grants Compliance priorities.

Constitution & By-Laws Committee

  • Removed District Governor Cheng-Yu Lu from the office of district governor in District 300-C3 (MD 300 Taiwan) for breach of duty and failure to comply with the International Constitution and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors.  Directed the Changhua Yuan Ching Lions Club to revoke the membership of Cheng-Yu Lu for conduct unbecoming a Lion.  Declared that Cheng-Yu Lu shall not be recognized in the future as a Lion or as a past district governor by Lions Clubs International or any club or district, and that he shall not be eligible for future membership in Lionism.  Appointed Immediate Past District Governor Hsueh Chu Hsu to fill the vacancy in the office of district governor for the remainder of the fiscal year.
  • Directed the Banska Bystrica Lions Club to revoke the membership of Pavol Mora and directed the Heart of Slovakia Lions Club to revoke the membership of Bohumir Kratky for conduct unbecoming a Lion.  Declared that Pavol Mora and Bohumir Kratky shall not be recognized in the future as a Lion by Lions Clubs International or any club or district, and that they shall not be eligible for future membership in Lionism.
  • Reviewed the background and received an update on the issues surrounding the undistricted clubs of Cyprus and requested Legal Division staff to continue monitoring the situation and provide appropriate communications to ensure compliance with board policy.
  • Declared that former member Nebojsa Davidovski not be eligible for future membership in Lionism and that he not be recognized in the future as a Lion.
  • Revised Chapter VI, Paragraph B.1. of the Board Policy Manual to correct an inaccurate reference.
  • Revised Chapter XVIII, Paragraph H.1. of the Board Policy Manual to remove unnecessary language.
  • Drafted a resolution to be reported to the 2021 International Convention to amend Article V, Section 4(a) of the International Constitution to authorize the International Board of Directors to approve alternative procedures for electing executive officers and international directors when an international convention cannot be convened.
  • Drafted a resolution to be reported to the 2021 International Convention to amend Article IX, Section 6(c) of the International By-Laws to amend the qualifications of the second vice district governor so that Lions who previously served as a district governor would not be eligible to be elected as second vice district governor.

Convention committee

  • Reviewed and approved plans for the virtual 2021 International Convention.
  • Set registration fees for the 2022 International Convention.
  • Continued to assess the viability of Delhi as the destination for the 2022 International Convention due to the ongoing pandemic.

District and Club Service Committee 

  • Approved revised requirements for the Club Excellence Award and the District Excellence Award.
  • Approved the change to redistrict of District 300-C3 into District 300D-3 and District 300D- 5 to create Multiple District 300D from the close of the 2023 International Convention to the close of the 2021 International Convention.
  • Approved renaming the district names within Multiple District 324.
  • Appointed Lion leaders to serve as the Coordinating Lions for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
  • Requested a constitutional amendment be placed before the delegates during the 2021 International Convention to make past district governors ineligible to be elected to the position of second vice district governor or fill the vacancy of a first or second vice district governor. If approved by the delegates, the revisions will take effect July 1, 2022.
  • Approved an optional provision to provide a position for a Leo or Leo Lion to serve as an advisor to the Cabinet or Council in the district and multiple district Standard Form By-Laws.

Finance & Headquarters Operation committee

  • Approved the FY 2020-2021 third quarter forecast, reflecting a surplus.
  • Authorized Gloria Giri, Regional Manager of the ISAME office, to act as signatory on behalf of the International Association of Lions Clubs in India by approving the board resolution for Import Export Compliance (IEC).
  • Recommended that due to the impact of the global pandemic and the effect it has had on Lions around the world along with the associations surplus resulting from reduced expenses and increased investment returns, the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee recommends deferring the vote on the international dues increase to June 2022 with the increase to be effective in the July 2023, July 2024, and July 2025.

Leadership Development Committee

  • Confirmed the final preparations for the virtual 2021 First Vice District Governor/District Governor-elect (FVDG/DGE) Seminar Days 1-3, which will take place between the weeks of April 19-June 6, 2021 and Seminar Day 4, which will take place on June 25, 2021.
  • Approved the proposed leadership institutes schedule for 2021-2022.
  • Encouraged Multiple District 11 (Michigan, USA) to continue their pilot for another year to refine their support and accountability process for GAT coordinators.

Long Range Planning (January 2021 Meeting Report)

  • Reviewed progress and provided input on the Lions International strategic plan, and expressed gratitude to LCI Project Team Chairperson, Past International Director Joyce Middleton, the entire project team, and staff for their hard work.
  • Reviewed and agreed with recommended enhancements to the roles and responsibilities for District leadership. These changes aim to provide clarity, strategic focus and emphasize plan development, team creation, goal achievement, and continuity from year-to-year.
  • Received a presentation from First Vice President Douglas X. Alexander on his theme and messaging for 2021-2022 and wished him a very successful year as international president.

Marketing Communications Committee

  • Reviewed budget forecasts FY 2021-2022 division budget.
  • Reviewed and approved updated PR Grants program profile and application updates.
  • Reviewed a marketing award designed to incentivize clubs for recognizing achievements in marketing. A decision on whether to move forward with funding this new award will be considered at a future meeting.
  • Reviewed and approved plans and funding for the 2022 Tournament of Roses Parade sponsorship.
  • Reviewed updates on brand and visibility programs including social media, website enhancements, global advertising campaign, public relations programs, PSA pilots, and video center.
  • Reviewed draft updates to protocol. The committee referred the matter to the Long Range Planning Committee for review and feedback.
  • Reviewed plans to add “Nepali” as an official language of Lions Clubs International. Approved a change to the list of languages noted in Chapter XX., Paragraph J., Section 1. of the Board Policy Manual to include "Nepali" as an official language of Lions Clubs International.
  • Revised Board Policy Chapter XIX to change the awards table to clarify the role of the LCIF Board of Trustees as a reviewer for LCIF Humanitarian Award candidates.

Membership Development Committee

  • Discontinued “Involve a Veteran” pilot program on June 30, 2021 at the conclusion of the pilot.
  • Approved the Global Membership Approach to support membership development globally.
  • Approved “Join Together” as a new program initiative.
  • Reallocated Membership Development Grant funding by moving US$5000 from CA I to CA VII.
  • Updated language in Chapter III to allow Leo-Lion Board Liaisons to attend multiple Leo Forums.
  • Updated language in Chapter XXI to allow a travel budget for Leo-Lion Board Liaisons.


  • Received a report on service reporting, including the number of people served, the number of service activities, and the percent of clubs reporting service.
  • Received an update on advocacy events, including Lions Day with the United Nations and Lions Day on Capitol Hill, both held virtually this year.
  • Discussed enhancements to the Lions Representatives to the United Nations program.
  • Received an update on LCI’s partnership with the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.
  • Received an update on all service programs and discussed feedback from Youth Camps and Exchange chairpersons.
  • Discussed enhancements to the Kindness Matters Service Award.

Technology Committee

  • The committee received an update on the status of supporting the upcoming virtual convention.  The committee reviewed next steps and requested staff provide frequent updates on progress.
  • Your committee was also updated on the status of planning for a virtual election.  The committee had the opportunity to successfully test the electronic voting system and approved its use for the international election.
  • The committee reviewed the draft Lions International Strategic Plan and was pleased with the comprehensiveness and detail. In addition, the committee specifically discussed the impact of the strategic plan on the Technology Division and planned priorities and awaits updates regarding additional requests that may come.
  • The committee had a comprehensive discussion on product initiatives.  The committee discussed the need to improve adoption of the digital products and instructed staff to continue their efforts with Marketing and Global Action Team (GAT) staff to identify ways to increase member awareness of the products.
  • The committee reviewed updates from the Service Activities Committee on service reporting data.  The committee requested a meeting with the Service Activities Committee at an upcoming board meeting to discuss ways to improve service data, including dynamic metrics based on the activity.
  • The committee received updates on privacy initiatives and ongoing steps being taken related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  The committee approves the security and privacy initiatives planned for the next three to six months.
  • The committee reviewed the 2020-2021 third quarter budget forecast and the proposed fiscal year 2021-2022 budget for the Technology Division.  The committee noted there was a negative variance between 2019 actuals and 2021-2022 budget, however, was satisfied with the explanation provided by staff on the factors contributing to the variance.
  • The committee reviewed the 2021-2022 budget for eCommerce & Club Supplies.  The budget had a positive variance compared with 2019 actuals, which was attributed to adjustments made to the headquarters allocation.  The committee agreed with plans to launch a new eCommerce store front for Japan, currently planned for the fourth quarter.

For more information on any of the above resolutions, please
refer to the LCI Web site at www.lionsclubs.org or contact the International Office at 630-571-5466.