February 1, 2019Executive Summary – Feb 2019INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGOjai, California, USAOctober 14-17, 2018AUDIT COMMITTEEThe committee will continue to monitor and follow up on action plans.CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEEReviewed a constitutional complaint filed by the Multiple District E (Venezuela) Council of Governors, challenging a decision of the International Board of Directors when it transferred four clubs from Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao from District E1 (Venezuela), Constitutional Area III to District 35N (Florida, USA), Constitutional Area I, and found good cause to expedite review of the complaint to Complaint Step Four of the Constitutional Complaints Procedure, affirmed the decision of the International Board of Directors in June 2018, transferring the four clubs from Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao from District E1 (Venezuela) to District 35N (Florida, USA).Appointed International Director Dr. Datuk Naga to serve as the Coordinating Lion for the former District 301-A1 (Philippines) for the remainder of fiscal year 2018-2019 and provided a roadmap to the former district to follow to restore their district status.Revised Chapter XV of the Board Policy Manual to update the fiscal agents in India and Japan and to move the fiscal agent policy from Chapter XV, Legal, to Chapter XI, Finance, as this policy is managed by the Finance Division and is better aligned with the duties and responsibilities of the Finance Committee.Revised Chapter XV of the Board Policy Manual to move the Conflict of Interest Policy from Chapter XV, Legal, to Chapter XI, Finance, as this policy is managed by the Finance Division and is better aligned with the duties and responsibilities of the Finance Committee.Revised the Trademark Policies in Chapter XV of the Board Policy Manual to add a requirement that foundations at the national (country) level must be reviewed and approved by the International Board of Directors.Revised Chapter XV, Paragraph A.1.b. of the Board Policy Manual to clarify that the emblem of the association is that of each chartered club and district.Revised the Standard Form District By-Laws in Chapter VII of the Board Policy Manual related to who can call a special club meeting in the event the president fails to do so.Revised Chapter XV, Paragraph C. of the Board Policy Manual to provide for a constitutional interpretation that by virtue of membership in an individual Lions Club, an individual Lion is considered a member of our international association.CONVENTION COMMITTEEEstablished per diem allowances for appointed Credentials Committee members serving without other reimbursement, and headquarters staff attending the 2019 Milan International Convention.Revised the 2019 Milan International Convention schedule.Amended Chapter VIII of the Board Policy Manual with housekeeping changes.Amended Chapter VIII, Paragraph E, Election Procedures.DISTRICT AND CLUB SERVICE COMMITTEEGranted protective status to the Kozhencherry Lions Club of District 318-B (India) and the Palu Maleo Lions Club of District 307-B2 (Indonesia) through April 7, 2019.Approved the redistricting proposals submitted by Multiple District 101 (Sweden) and 104 (Norway) to take place at the adjournment of the 2019 International Convention and Multiple District 21 (Arizona) to take place at the adjournment of the 2020 International Convention.Appointed Past International Director Elisabeth Haderer to serve as Coordinating Lion for the Republic of Albania, Republic of Kosovo and the undistricted areas of the Republic of Bulgaria and Past District Governor Daniel Zyambo to serve as Coordinating Lion for Provisional District 412-B (Republic of Malawi and Republic of Mozambique) for the remaining months of this fiscal year.Extended the District Restructure and Redevelopment Grant to include redistricting proposals that are approved on or before November 30, 2021.Corrected a reference in the Board Policy Manual to the DGE Seminar so it uses the correct title of First Vice District Governor/District Governor Elect Seminar.Removed the requirement that a Lion must have served as a club president prior to serving as a Guiding Lion.Revised the Redistricting Policy so that redistricting proposals that are approved during the October or November board meeting that are scheduled to take place at the close of the International Convention of the same fiscal year must hold elections before January 1, to enable the district governor elect to attend the First Vice District Governor/District Governor Elect Seminar held in February.Revised the District Governor Reimbursement Policy so that the District and Club Administration Division was included in the process for approving increases in district governor budgets.FINANCE AND HEADQUARTERS OPERATION COMMITTEEApproved the FY 2018-2019 1st Quarter Forecast, reflecting a deficit.Amended Chapter XXI related to Past International President mileage budget for authorized meetings, timing of submitting speaker request forms to the Travel Department, and agreed to review the current format of the visitation form for all official speakers for whom Lions Clubs International provides reimbursement of travel expenses.LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEERevised the Board Policy Manual related to the Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) to prepare for future modifications to the Regional Lions Leadership Institute program.Revised the Board Policy Manual related to the change in the number of instructional days for the Faculty Development Institute program from “four” to “three”.Revised the Board Policy Manual to reference programs as Leadership Development and not just Leadership, including the word “development” where needed.LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEEConducted in-depth status overview of LCI’s strategic plan: LCI Forward.Reviewed the committee’s charter to identify policies that should be updated and revised for action at the next meeting.Reviewed and discussed the status of the ‘Africa Challenge,’ which was a resolution initially passed in April 2010 that stipulates when the continent reaches and maintains 30,000+ members, the Long Range Planning Committee in office at the time, would request the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to draft language for a constitutional amendment for Africa to be its own constitutional area at the following international convention. The challenge threshold of 30,000 was exceeded at the end of July 2018 and the area as of the September 2018 cumulative report is at 30,706 members and is continuing the momentum. Congratulations to the Lions in Africa for reaching this historical milestone.The committee will review the progress of the continent’s membership growth at its next meeting and make a final recommendation to the board.MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEExtended the pilot program “Welcome Home” until March 30, 2020.Revised the Global Action Team structure to include additional districts in Africa.Approved another Leo of the Year for 2017-2018.Allowed former Lionesses to count their Lioness years of service toward Life Membership.Amended policy to move governance for the Young Lion and Leo Department to the Membership Development Committee from the Service Activities Committee.Extended the sunset policy for Azerbaijan until June 30, 2019.Amended board policy to allow additional funds for pilot programs with Board of Directors’ approval.Approved a pilot program to reverse membership trends in CA I and CA II.MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEERevised Chapter XIX, Official Protocol of the Board Policy Manual to reflect a modification to add Leo-Lion Board Liaison.SERVICE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEEApproved that the following Lions be awarded the Top Ten Youth Camp and Exchange Program Chairperson Award for their service in the 2017-2018 Lions year.Approved the International Diabetes Federation and LCI joint work plan.Approved the 2019 Service Activities marketing plan strategic direction.Received an update on the Diabetes Mini Grant program, including the clubs who will be invited to participate.TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEReceived an update on GDPR and reviewed the set of data elements that are needed by LCI in order to manage its business.The committee collaborated with the Constitution and By-laws Committee, resulting in a modification of the board policy about the interpretation of being a member of LCI.The committee discussed and approved process improvements suggested as these improvements will help the association in the longer term as priorities become clear and resources are used in a prudent and cost effective manner.The committee presented the infrastructure and product roadmap and provided the rationale for additional budget. Based on the approval, the IT forecast will be modified to reflect the additional budget amount.For more information on any of the above resolutions, please refer to the LCI Web site at www.lionsclubs.org or contact the International Office at 630-571-5466.