July 9, 2021Executive Summary – June 2021EXECUTIVE SUMMARYINTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGAtlanta, Georgia, USAJune 13-16, 2021Audit CommitteeThe committee received a presentation from Crowe LLP regarding their plan for the association’s financial statement audit for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. A draft report will be discussed with the committee at the October 2021 board meeting.The committee received an update from Lions Clubs International Internal Audit including the scope, overall audit rating, and audit observations for completed audit projects. Follow-up on observations will be performed as part of the internal audit process.Constitution & By-Laws CommitteeDenied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 112-D (Belgium) and declared Lion Jean-Paul Forton second vice district governor in District 112-D for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 300-C2 (MD 300 Taiwan), declared the second vice district governor election in District 300-C2 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Removed District Governor Chin-San Huang from the office of district governor in District 300-C2 (MD 300 Taiwan) for breach of duty and failure to comply with the International Constitution and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors. Declared that Chin-San Huang shall not be recognized in the future as a past district governor by Lions Clubs International or any club or district, and that he shall not be entitled to any privileges of such title. Declared the vacancy created in the office of district governor in District 300-C2 shall not be filled and that the district governor elect of District 300-C2 will serve as the acting district governor until the 2021 International Convention.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 320-F (India) and declared Lion N. Venkateshwar Rao second vice district governor in District 320-F for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 3231-A3 (India) and declared Lion Ajay Havelia second vice district governor in District 3231-A3 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 3233-E1 (India), declared the second vice district governor election in District 3233-E1 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 324-B3 (India) and declared Lion P. Radhakrishnan second vice district governor in District 324-B3 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 403-A2 (Togo) and declared Lion Daniel Trash second vice district governor in District 403-A2 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Upheld a first vice district governor election complaint filed in District 315-A3 (Bangladesh), declared the first vice district governor election in District 315-A3 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of first vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the first vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Denied a first vice district governor election complaint filed in District 321-F (India), declared a vacancy in the office of first vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the first vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws.Upheld a first vice district governor election complaint filed in District 3233-E2 (India), declared the first vice district governor election in District 3233-E2 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of first vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the first vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 315-B1 (Bangladesh), declared the second vice district governor election in District 315-B1 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 318-A (India) and declared Lion B. Ajayyakumar second vice district governor in District 318-A for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 321-F (India) and declared Lion Gurcharan Singh Kalra second vice district governor in District 321-F for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 3233-E2 (India), declared the second vice district governor election in District 3233-E2 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 351 (Lebanon), declared the second vice district governor election in District 351 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Received an update on the following issues: District 300-C3; District 122 (Czech Republic and Slovak Republic); undistricted clubs of Cyprus.Revised the Constitutional Complaints Procedure in Chapter XXV, Paragraph D.4. of the Board Policy Manual to raise the filing fee for Step Three of the procedure.Revised Chapter XV, Paragraph C. of the Board Policy Manual to add a new Constitutional Interpretation of the Club Delegate Formula related to voting rights of past district governors.Convention committeePostponed the 2022 International Convention scheduled in New Delhi, India to a future year to be determined.Rebooked the cancelled 2021 International Convention in Montreal, Quebec, Canada to the dates of June 24-28, 2022.District and Club Service CommitteeApproved Lions both elected and recommended to serve as district governors for the fiscal year 2021-2022.Recognized the Republic of Haiti as Provisional District P as of July 1, 2021.Appointed Past District Governor Ria Schutte to serve as the Coordinating Lion for the Republic of Kosovo, the Republic of Albania and the undistricted area of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.Approved a document outlining the proper reference to the area of MD 300 and MD 300D for internal and external communication.Finance & Headquarters Operation committeeApproved the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Fourth Quarter Forecast, reflecting a surplusApproved the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget, reflecting a deficit.Five-Year Financial projections through 2025 were reviewed.Review of Chapter XXI Travel and Expense Reimbursement specific to Leo-Lion Board Liaisons.Reviewed District Governor budgets and referred to October 2021 board meeting.Leadership Development CommitteeReviewed the specifics of the virtual 2021 First Vice District Governor/District Governor-elect (FVDG/DGE) Seminar Days 1-3 held between the weeks of April 19-June 6, 2021 and confirmed the plans for Seminar Day 4 which will take place on June 25, 2021.Approved the curriculum plan and schedule for the 2021-2022 First Vice District Governors/District Governors-Elect Seminar.Confirmed the 2021-2022 FVDG/DGE seminar group leaders, which were approved by the Executive Committee in May 2021.Confirmed launching the Leo-Lion Learning Path on the Lions Learning Center in all official languages based on successful piloting and analysis of survey results of Leo-Lions.Amended Board Policy Manual to clarify the purpose of the Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP) and to the content that explains the LCIP certification and recertification period.Long Range Planning (January 2021 Meeting Report)The committee recommended the adoption of the Lions International Strategic Plan.The committee recommended a small project team continue for the period of one year from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 of no more than 5 members.The committee reviewed staff suggested changes to align district governor expenses with revised responsibilities.The committee discussed district governors usage of up to 50% of their budget for reimbursement of qualified expenses related to club visits with the balance available (or more if they choose to) to support identified activities that support membership growth.The committee reviewed the proposed updates to protocol submitted by the marketing communications committee. Your committee will review these suggested changes in more detail at a future committee meeting.The committee began preliminary discussions on election procedures for LCI International Directors and the office of the 3rd Vice President. The committee determined this topic required further in depth discussion and study, along with guidance from General Counsel.Marketing Communications CommitteeReviewed budget forecasts and adjustments to the 2021-2022 budget.Reviewed end-of-year PR Grant program updates, noting 21 grants were approved during the year.Reviewed the new Lions International Marketing Award, designed to incentivize clubs for marketing their clubs and raising brand awareness. The committee reviewed the overall program strategy and approved the beginning efforts to develop the award. Certain aspects of recognition will be decided at a future board meeting.Reviewed updates on brand programs including social media, website enhancements, search engine optimization, global advertising campaign, public relations programs, PSA pilots, and marketing chairperson’s communication campaign.Reviewed areas of support provided to divisions and partners, including marketing plans to increase digital product adoption, global membership approach, leadership development, service activities and priority marketing for LCIF and Campaign 100.Discussed official protocol and await feedback from the Long Range Planning Committee.Reviewed the Marketing Communications Charter in the Board Policy Manual.Membership Development CommitteeApproved the Leo Club Program five-year strategic plan.Updated language throughout policy relating to the end of the Lioness program.Discussed New Member Kits and options to enhance the certificate.Received an update on the Global Membership Approach.SERVICE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEEResolved to extend the current Memorandum of Understanding with the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists by two years, to conclude in July of 2023.Received a report on service reporting, including the 350 million people served by clubs and LCIF, the number of service activities, and the percent of clubs reporting service.Received an update on advocacy events, including Lions Day with the United Nations and Lions Day on Capitol Hill, both held virtually this year.Received an update on all service programs and development of LCI’s global causes.Discussed enhancements to the Kindness Matters Service Award.Technology CommitteeThe committee received an update on the status of supporting the upcoming virtual convention.The committee was updated on the status of planning for a virtual election. Staff provided a review of the election process, including a sample of the final ballot experience.The committee reviewed the 2021-2022 budget for the Technology Division.The committee received updates on privacy initiatives and ongoing steps being taken related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The committee reviewed an update regarding the ongoing plans for adopting International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001.The committee reviewed the increasing frequency of security threats and discussed efforts by staff for improving security as a top priority for LCI and LCIF.The committee had a comprehensive discussion on the use of our digital products and the importance of increasing adoption and use of our products. The committee recommends that digital product training be added to the new director orientation and District Governor Elect (DGE) seminar. For more information on any of the above resolutions, please refer to the LCI Web site at www.lionsclubs.org or contact the International Office at 630-571-5466.