Executive Summary – June 2022




Montréal, Québec, Canada

June 20-23, 2022


Audit Committee


  • The committee received an update from Lions Clubs International Internal Audit and will continue to follow up and monitor action plans.


(No Resolutions)


Constitution & By-Laws Committee


  • Upheld a district governor election complaint filed in District 324-L (India) and affirmed a vacancy in the district governor position for the 2022-2023 year, to be filled in accordance with the vacancy filling procedures.
  • Upheld a first vice district governor election complaint in District 324-L (India) and affirmed a vacancy in the first vice district governor position for the 2022-2023 year, to be filled in accordance with the vacancy filling procedures.
  • Denied a second vice district governor election complaint in District 3233-E1 (India) and affirmed Sunil Arora as the second vice district governor for the 2022-2023 year.
  • Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint in District 317-E (India) and affirmed a vacancy in the second vice district governor position for the 2022-2023 year, to be filled in accordance with the vacancy filling procedures.
  • Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint in District 300-B1 (MD 300 Taiwan) due to no candidate receiving a majority vote and affirmed a vacancy in the second vice district governor position for the 2022-2023 year, to be filled in accordance with the vacancy filling procedures.
  • Determined the conciliators’ decision on a district dispute in District 324-A2 (India) is unenforceable and encouraged Lions to file a complaint with local authorities if there is a belief or question on whether a crime has occurred.
  • Denied an international director endorsement election complaint in Multiple District 300 Taiwan and affirmed Feng-Chi Chen as the endorsed international director from the multiple district.
  • Amended the Board Policy Manual, Chapter III to include guidelines for the International Board of Directors to formally recommend a candidate for third vice president.
  • Amended the Board Policy Manual, Chapter V to clarify that outstanding dues must be outstanding more than 30 days before a club will be considered not in good standing.
  • Amended Board Policy Manual, Chapter II.A. Advisory Committee permitting the committee to only interview endorsed candidates.




  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the first vice district governor election complaint filed in District 324-L be upheld and a vacancy be declared in the office of district governor for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the vacancy in the office of first vice district governor be filled as outlined in International By-Laws Article IX District Convention and Elections, Section 6(d) and conducted in accordance with the provision of the respective district constitution and bylaws.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event the recommended Lion is not the 2021-2022 second vice district governor, the district must submit a written explanation detailing the reason why the second vice district governor was not recommended.


(Report Item A.1.b.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 3233-E1 (India) be denied and that Lion Sunil Arora be declared the second vice district governor for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.


(Report Item A.1.c.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 317-E be upheld and a vacancy be declared in the office of district governor for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the vacancy in the office of second vice district governor be filled as outlined in International By-Laws Article IX District Convention and Elections, Section 6(d) and conducted in accordance with the provision of the respective district constitution and bylaws.


(Report Item A.1.d.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 300-B1 does not contain sufficient evidence to demonstrate a substantial irregularity occurred in the procedures followed by the district and be denied.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That as no candidate received a majority vote during the election, a vacancy be declared in the office of second vice district governor for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the vacancy in the office of second vice district governor be filled as outlined in International By-Laws Article IX District Convention and Elections, Section 6(d) and conducted in accordance with the provision of the respective district constitution and bylaws.


(Report Item A.1.e.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the District Dispute Resolution Procedure within District 324-A2 (India) conciliator’s final report is inconsistent with the policies and procedures set forth by the International Board of Directors and is unenforceable.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the complaint filed within District 324-A2 on this matter is considered closed and no further action shall be taken at this time.


(Report Item A.1.f.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That international director endorsement election complaint filed in Multiple District 300 Taiwan be denied and that Feng-Chi Chen be declared the endorsed candidate of Multiple District 300 Taiwan.


(Report Item A.1.g.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board Policy Manual, Chapter III be amended as provided in Exhibit A. and the remainder of the chapter be renumbered accordingly.


(Report Item A.6.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board Policy Manual, Chapter V, Paragraph B.1. be amended as provided in Exhibit B.


(Report Item B.1.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board Policy Manual, Chapter II, Paragraph A.1. be amended as provided in Exhibit C.


(Report Item B.2.)


Convention committee


  • Received a report on registration and expected attendance for the 104th International Convention in Montreal.
  • Discussed the upcoming site visit plans to Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2023 International Convention), Melbourne, Australia (2024 International Convention) and New Delhi, India (2029 bid for International Convention).
  • Reviewed and considered updating Chapter VIII of the Board Policy Manual regarding Bid Requirements.




  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the changes to the Board Policy Manual, Chapter VIII Convention, as outlined in Exhibit A., attached hereto, be approved.


(Report item B.1)


District and Club Service Committee


  • Approved the redistricting proposal submitted by District 317-A (India) be approved and take place at the adjournment of the 2023 International Convention.


  • Appointed William Eliacin to serve as the District Governor for District P (Haiti) for 2022-2023.




  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the redistricting proposal submitted by District 317-A (India) be approved and take place at the adjournment of the 2023 International Convention.


(Report Item A.6.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That William Eliacin be appointed to serve as the District Governor for District P (Haiti) for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year.


(Report Item A.11.)


Finance & Headquarters Operation committee


  • Approved an amendment to the Investment Policy Statement for the International Association of Lions Clubs 401(k) Appendix A be amended by decreasing the target for Hedge funds to 11% from 13% and adding Commodity to the Alternatives section of the policy with a minimum of 0%, Target of 2%, and Maximum of 5%.
  • Approved the FY 2021-2022 4th Quarter Forecast, reflecting a deficit.
  • Approved the FY 2022-2023 final budget, reflecting a deficit.
  • Approved placing Sri Lanka on modified protective status through December 2022 with reviews to occur at the 2022-2023 board meetings by the Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee.
  • Amended Chapter IX, of the Board Policy Manual for updates to process for expense reimbursement and the Claims Compliance department.
  • Amended Chapter XXI, A.1.a. of the Board Policy Manual to allow a past international director who moved permanently to another constitutional area which differs from the constitutional area in which they were elected to receive a budget of 10,000 miles per fiscal year for speaking engagements.




  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Investment Policy Statement for the International Association of Lions Clubs 401(k) APPENDIX A be amended by changing the Hedge funds Target to 11% and adding Commodity under the Alternatives section as set forth below.


Hedge funds

Real Estate











HFRI Global HF Index


Bloomberg Commodity Index


(Report Item A.1.b.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the board approve the fiscal year 2021-2022 4th Quarter Forecast, reflecting a deficit.


(Report Item A.2.a.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the board approve the final budget for fiscal year 2022-2023, reflecting a deficit.


(Report Item A.2.a.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the board approve placing Sri Lanka on modified protective status through December 2022 with reviews to occur at the 2022-2023 board meetings by the Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee.


(Report Item A.8.b.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That Chapter IX, of the Board Policy Manual be amended as set forth in Exhibit A., attached hereto.


(Report Item B.1.)


  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That Chapter XXI, A.1.a. of the Board Policy Manual be amended by inserting a new sub-part (6), as set forth below, and renumbering the remaining sub-parts accordingly.


“Any past international director who moved permanently to another constitutional area which differs from the constitutional area in which they were elected, shall have the same speaking engagement budget of 10,000 miles per fiscal year while abiding by all other general rules for speakers."


(Report Item B.1.)


Leadership Development Committee


  • Confirmed the 2022-2023 Leadership Development International Institute Program schedule.
  • Affirmed the group leaders for the 2023 FVDG/DGE Seminar.
  • Affirmed the success of GLT multiple district and district coordinators Learn reporting, which is more than double the trainings and participants reported at this time last fiscal year.
  • Confirmed next year’s expansion of Multiple District 11’s Leadership Accountability Pilot to four other multiple districts and one single district.
  • Recommended MyLCI read-only access be automatically granted to other past district governors, pending consultation and confirmation from Internet Technology staff by the time of the October 2022 board meeting.


(No Resolutions)


Long Range Planning (MAy 2022 Meeting Report)


  • Received an update on the Lions International Strategic Plan.
  • Discussed a pathway for the board of directors to officially recommend a candidate for the position of International Third Vice President.
  • Discussed international director endorsement requirements, and the challenges presented by only permitting director candidates from districts with a minimum of 35 clubs and 1,250 members.
  • Received an update on communication to leadership, districts, and clubs related to the upcoming dues adjustment proposal.
  • Reviewed lessons learned through the Marketing Think Tank, and the approach to developing marketing skills, confidence, and competence at the club level.


(No Resolutions)


Marketing Committee


  • Reviewed the fourth quarter forecasts and the 2022-2023 budget for the Marketing Division and supporting services.
  • Reviewed a year-end update on the PR Grant program and approved a name change to the Marketing Grant Program.
  • Reviewed a year-end update on key marketing reports and projects including global advertising, social media, web, and public relations performance.
  • Reviewed reports from divisional marketing campaigns, brand support, video and media support, and resource development for select divisions. The committee noted continued increases in marketing support requests.
  • Received a report on the support Marketing provides to Membership to support membership priorities in 2022-2023.
  • Reviewed the marketing charter in Board Policy Manual, Chapter II to adjust language for the new approach to marketing and the revised Marketing Grant Program. The committee discussed these updates and requests the board concur by adoption of Resolution 1., hereinafter.




  1. BE IT RESOLVED, That Chapter II Section J Paragraph 1.c.3 of the Board Policy Manual be amended by replacing the words “public relations” with the word “marketing”.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Chapter II Section J Paragraph 1.c.5 of the Board Policy Manual be amended by adding the words “social media strategy,” before the word “communications”.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Chapter II Section J Paragraph 1.c.9 of the Board    Policy Manual be amended by replacing the entire entry passage with “Review and make             approval decisions on all Marketing Grant applications based on criteria determined by    the Marketing Committee as soon as possible after the first quarter of the Lion’s year.”.

(Report Item B.1.)

Membership Development Committee


  • Met with Leadership Development and District and Club Service to discuss small districts and confirmed the Global Membership Approach, implemented correctly, will help small districts grow.
  • Reviewed progress updates on the Global Membership Approach and confirmed program success among pilot districts.
  • Reviewed and agreed with planned Membership Division work in 2022-2023.
  • Discussed fraudulent membership activity in District 3234 D2 and requested staff take action to curtail this behavior, with further action anticipated at the October 2022 board meeting.
  • Received a debrief from Leo-Lion Board Liaison Shefanie Vin, providing feedback on her experience.
  • Requested staff propose a way to recognize all clubs celebrating their 100-year milestone.

(No Resolutions)




  • Received a report on service reporting, including the number of people served, the number of service activities, and the percent of clubs reporting service.
  • Received an update on advocacy events, including Lions Day with the United Nations and Lions Day on Capitol Hill and Parliament Hill.
  • Discussed service programs, the development of LCI’s global causes, and implementation of Lions International Strategic Plan.
  • Discussed an opportunity to adopt Lions KidSight USA as an official service program of Lions Clubs International.
  • Reviewed the Service Activities Division annual plan for fiscal year 2022-2023.

(No Resolutions)


Technology Committee

  • Received updates on supporting the 2022 International Convention and election.
  • Reviewed the 2021-2022 fourth quarter budget forecast and the final 2022-2023 budget for the Technology Division.
  • Received a comprehensive update on the Salesforce projects, including the core constituent relationship management (CRM) and the next generation member platform.
  • Reviewed updates on privacy initiatives, ongoing steps being taken related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and requested that staff continue the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001 compliance project without formal certification.


(No Resolutions)