October 1, 2019Executive Summary – Oct 2019EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGMilan, ItalyJune 30-July 4, 2019AUDIT COMMITTEEThe committee will continue to monitor and follow up on action plans.CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEEDenied a district governor election complaint filed in District 112-C (Belgium) and declared a vacancy in the office of district governor for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 300-C1 (MD 300 Taiwan), declared the second vice district governor election in District 300-C1 for the 2019-2020 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 316-A (India), declared the second vice district governor election in District 316-A for the 2019-2020 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and that the position of second vice district governor shall remain vacant for the year and shall not be filled and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainants.Removed District Governor J. Mohan Rao from the office of district governor in District 316-A (India) for breach of duty and failure to comply with the International Constitution and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors. Declared that J. Mohan Rao shall not be recognized in the future as a past district governor by Lions Clubs International or any club or district, and that he shall not be entitled to any privileges of such title. Declared the vacancy created in the office of district governor in District 316-A shall not be filled and that the district governor elect of District 316-A will serve as the acting district governor until the 2019 International Convention.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 321-A3 (India) and declared Lion Radha Krishna Shah second vice district governor in District 321-A3 for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 321-B1 (India) and declared Lion Jagdish C. Agarwal second vice district governor in District 321-B1 for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.Denied a second vice district governor election complaint filed in District 3233-E2 (India) and declared Lion Sudhir Kumar Goyal second vice district governor in District 3233-E2 for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.Upheld a second vice district governor election complaint filed in 3233-G1 (India), declared the second vice district governor election in 3233-G1 for the 2019-2020 fiscal year null and void and of no force and effect, declared a vacancy in the office of second vice district governor for the 2019- 2020 fiscal year and that the second vice district governor vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the International and District Constitutions and By-Laws, and declared that US$650.00 of the filing fee shall be refunded to the Complainant.Upheld the prior decision of the International Board of Directors in June 2018 and confirmed the international director endorsement of Lion R. Sampath issued during the Multiple District 324 convention in May 2017.Revised the Ethical Conduct Code in Chapter XII, Exhibit C. of the Board Policy Manual for organizational purposes, to remove and update language that has become obsolete and to better align with current practices.Revised Chapter XV, Paragraph A.4.b. of the Board Policy Manual to make it consistent with previously adopted changes.Revised Chapter XVIII, Paragraph A. of the Board Policy Manual to update an inaccurate reference to the order of administrative officers.Revised the District Governor and First and Second Vice District Governor Election Complaints Procedure in the Board Policy Manual to include complaints related to endorsement elections for international third vice president and international director.CONVENTION COMMITTEEDeclined to add GST (Goods and Services Tax) to registration fees for Singapore. Provided documentation for the elections operations at convention.DISTRICT AND CLUB SERVICE COMMITTEEGranted the Palu Maleo Lions Club of District 307-B2 (Indonesia) protective status through October 31, 2019 and a waiver of the June 2019 Semi-Annual Dues Billing.Recognized the undistricted area within the Republic of Bulgaria as a provisional region at the close of the 2019 International Convention.Appointed Praveen Agarwal to serve as the District Governor for District 322 D (India) for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.Directed District 112 C (Belgium) to conduct a meeting for the purpose of selecting a qualified Lion leader for the position of district governor for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.Amended the charter for the District and Club Service Committee.Deleted the board policy reference to the Lioness program.Amended the Standard Form District By-Laws to recognize the zone chairperson and the region chairperson as members of the Global Action Team.Revised the position descriptions for the club vice president, club membership chairperson and club service chairperson as outlined in the Standard Form Club By-Laws.FINANCE AND HEADQUARTERS OPERATION COMMITTEEAmended the Investment Policy Statement for the International Association of Lions Clubs General Fund.Approved the FY 2018-2019 4th Quarter Forecast, reflecting a deficit.Approved the FY 2019-2020 budget, reflecting a deficit.Amended the Investment Policy Statement for the Retirement Income Plan for the Employees of the International Association of Lions Clubs.Revised Chapter XXI of the Board Policy Manual related to the expense reimbursement policy.Revised Chapter XXI of the Board Policy Manual related to air transportation.Revised the B.2. Executive Officer Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy.Added Jayne Kill, Manager, Accounting Department as a check signatory on association bank accounts.LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEAmended Board Policy Manual to document the changes to the Leadership Development Committee charter.LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEEReviewed progress on LCI Forward initiatives and discussed the reasons for decline in service activity and reporting. Provided suggestions on improving service impact numbers by involving GAT and providing incentives for reporting.Discussed and concurred on the creation of a LCI Forward project team to help guide the creation of the next iteration of our strategic plan.Reviewed proposed revisions to the goals of the district governor and instructed staff to further reduce the number of goals to no more than four annual goals.Reviewed a proposed approach to study the role of the district governor so it is relevant in today’s context and asked staff to begin the study.Discussed the association’s current management of a multi-currency environment, including managing numerous bank accounts and foreign exchange fluctuations, and decided to make no changes at this time.MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEERevised Chapter XIX, in Exhibit A, of the Board Policy Manual to add a clarifying sentence to the introduction for Official Protocol, effective July 1, 2019.Revised Chapter XIX, Paragraph A., in Exhibit A, of the Board Policy Manual to add revise GAT roles in order to align more perfectly with GAT structure at the Constitutional and Area levels, effective July 1, 2019.Revised Chapter XVI of the Board Policy Manual to remove outdated information on LION Magazine.MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEAdded language to Chapter XVII of the Board Policy Manual which ensures that the previous decision to allow students over age 30 and who are joining a Campus Lions Club will be eligible to pay a discounted entrance/charter fee of $10USD.Separated African countries from the Constitutional Area VI list to reflect the pending passage of vote at Convention for Africa to become Constitutional Area VIII.Removed Leo Clubs awards from Chapter XXII of the Board Policy Manual.Modified language, including simplification of the criteria, for the New LCI Country Process found in Chapter X.Amended the name of LCI country FYROM Macedonia to Republic of North Macedonia.Applied the sunset policy to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and removed that country from official LCI countries in Chapter X.Extended the sunset policy for the Republic of Azerbaijan to December 31, 2019.Moved the LCI country of the Republic of Kazakhstan from its presenting listing under Constitutional Area VI to Constitutional Area IV in Chapter X.Modified language, including GAT leadership position changes, appointments and operational changes to chapter XXIV.SERVICE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEERevised the Service Activities Committee Charter in Chapter II, Paragraph K of the Board Policy Manual in order to better align it with current practices.Revised Chapter I of the Board Policy Manual in order to better align it with LCI’s current global causes and service programs.Discussed an enhanced model for service engagement that includes advocacy, direct service, giving and service support activities.Received updates on active service partnerships including LCI’s work with the International Diabetes Federation, the Wellness Initiative, the Anthem Foundation and the American Association of Diabetes Educators.Reviewed the recently launched LCI Advocacy Toolkit and discussed the plan for additional resources, particularly related to global cause advocacy and country level advocacy.Discussed potential revisions to the service awards structure, which will encourage service reporting, align with the global causes, and reward excellence in service at the club level.TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEThe committee reviewed the Information Technology Division’s 2018-2019 budget, forecast and actuals. The division had forecasted to end the year about $155K less than the first quarter forecast that was approved at the October 2018 board meeting.The committee reviewed the 2019-2020 proposed budget for the Information Technology Division. The presented operating budget was forecasted to be $722K less than the budget that was proposed at the April 2019 board meeting.The committee discussed various topics related to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The committee reviewed the existing policy around access to data for candidates running for third vice president or international director and the committee’s recommended revisions to this procedure was approved. The committee was pleased to learn that staff had selected a new DPO – one offering coverage for all of Europe. All the individuals selected to serve on the Privacy working group accepted the nomination. The committee reviewed a proposed high-level process to address GDPR specific disputes.The committee received an update on existing products and roadmaps. SAP SE’s software “By Design” was selected by staff as the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.The committee received an update on existing infrastructure projects and roadmap.The committee received an update on the Information Technology Division organization.The committee received an update on the communication strategies and training for the service reporting changes, including the transition from MyLCI to MyLion.The committee saw some interesting uses of technology - especially in the area of natural language processing and machine learning.For more information on any of the above resolutions, please refer to the LCI Web site at www.lionsclubs.org or contact the International Office at 630-571-5466.