by Joan Cary March 1, 2020Canada Celebrates their Centennial100 years of Lion service There are 47,000 Lions clubs in the world, but only one, the Windsor Downtown Lions, can say they made Lions an international organization. “And you’ll hear their club members say it over and over and over again. ‘We’re the club who made Lions Clubs International,’” says Past International President Judge […] Continue Reading
March 1, 2020Leave No One BehindOne of my favorite aspects of being a Lion is the camaraderie I feel with my fellow Lions. I feel protective of them in some ways, and proud in every way. I am especially proud of our women Lions, who have long been a force in our clubs. More than 30 percent of our members […] Continue Reading
March 1, 2020Anniversaries – March 2020100 Years: Frederick, Okla.; Windsor, Ontario, CAN; San Jose Host East Valley, Calif.; Pasadena Host, Calif.; Lafayette, Ind.; San Francisco Host, Calif. 95 Years: Yreka Host, Calif.; North Bay, Ontario, CAN; Floral Park, N.Y.; Roseville Host, Calif.; Abilene, Kan.; Edgeley, N.D.; Blacksburg, Va.; Bremerton Central, Wash.; Honesdale, Pa.; Overland, Mo.; Waupaca, Wis. 90 Years: Medicine […] Continue Reading
March 1, 2020Leos Feed into Helping Those Living with HIV/AIDSThe Coppell High School Leo Club in Texas reached out to seven non-profit organizations in their quest to find a community project. What they chose proved that a little kindness and conversation over a warm, home-cooked meal can go a long way. On five occasions the Coppell Leos AIDS Supper Club in partnership with AIDS […] Continue Reading
March 1, 2020Around the World Without Leaving Your SeatFor more than fifty winters the DeWitt Noon Lions in Iowa have provided a remedy for cabin fever. A US$5 donation to Lions buys armchair travelers in the DeWitt Operahouse Theatre a first-class ticket to the club’s Winter Travelogue Series, where this season they can explore the Arctic Circle, the Aegean Sea and ancient Athens, […] Continue Reading