February 1, 2019Parting Shot – Feb 2019Cowboys, Rockstars, and Hippies, oh My! It wasn’t just the children who enjoyed the Jackson Lions’ annual Halloween parade in California, where more than 1,000 ghosts, goblins, super heroes, princesses and more joined in. Continue Reading
June 1, 2019Prickly PartnerPrickly Partner Fifth grade students enjoy a full day of outdoor learning and exploration in the Sonoran Desert at Camp Cooper in Tucson, Arizona. Thanks to the generosity of Camp Cooper and the South Tucson Cyber & Lions Club, school children get hands-on learning about how to live more lightly on the earth. Continue Reading
July 1, 2019Just For YouJust For You John Upp shares a little sunshine on Daffodil Day—the one day each spring when the Cecilton Lions in Maryland pick the flowers that bloom aplenty on his family farm, and share bouquets with the community’s shut-ins. Upp’s father is said to have started the Lion project 56 years ago, and this year […] Continue Reading
December 1, 2019Parting Shot – Dec 2019Time to Eat the Donuts Pauline Nickerson is the matriarch of the Nickerson Family Farm in Clear Lake, Iowa, where 3,400 ears of corn are shucked each summer for the Clear Lake Evening Lions’ fundraiser. She gets up early on shucking day and makes these beauties from scratch to have something to feed the volunteers. Continue Reading
April 1, 2020Parting Shot – April 2020Comfort Fruit Members of The Phoenix Asian American Lions Club pick oranges off a grove in a local gated community for distribution to non-profit organizations, churches, and needy families. Continue Reading
July 20, 2020We’ve Got You CoveredClara Miller, 3, gives a thumbs up as a thank you for her mask, donated by the Fifty Quilters Group and Grimsby Lions in Ontario. Grimsby Lions are part of a large group of talented Lions all over the world who have been making and donating masks to those who need them. Thanks for keeping folks covered, Lions! Continue Reading
January 31, 2022Lions Go to the DogsLeon the Lion (aka Jim Purton, charter member of the Greater Falls Run Lions Club in Stafford County, Virginia) grabs a pic with Canine Companions puppy Bogey at DogFest in Washington DC 2021. Purton headed the Lions’ fundraising team—named in honor of his late wife, Michelle—that came in second place with a total of US$10,672. […] Continue Reading