The World Needs Lions

Changing the world. It’s why the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)—a global foundation—empowered service through its most ambitious fundraising campaign in its history. June 30, 2022, officially marked the end of Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service. Thanks to support from Lions, Leos, partners, and other donor support, Campaign 100 is completed and Lions and Leos […]

2020-2021 Annual Report

Thirty years ago, I was helping my husband create materials to promote Lions Clubs International Foundation’s first fundraising campaign, SightFirst. It was during this time that I realized I wanted to be part of Lions; part of something bigger and on an international scale. It is my honor to serve alongside my fellow Lions. Now, […]

Club News – May 2022

In Indiana, the Speedway Lions Club repainted the town’s 488 fire hydrants with a white and checkerboard pattern to help decorate the town and differentiate Speedway from the surrounding communities. A Speedway resident came up with the idea, and a local graphics company provided the creative design and the heat shrink decals — the same decals used on race cars. Each fire hydrant […]

Trustee Oswal dedicates life to serving from the heart

More than 30 years ago, Trustee Aruna Abhey Oswal joined her local Lions club in Mumbai, India. As a humanitarian and changemaker, she wanted to expand her service globally to help create a better world and empower others. Early on, Trustee Oswal established herself as a trailblazer within the Lions Clubs by becoming the first […]

A World In Need

As we approach June 30, the end of historic Campaign 100, I invite you to read and reflect on ways in which Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), our global foundation, has magnified your service, my service, and the service of Lions and Leos worldwide.

LCIF: A Foundation of Lions, a Foundation of Service

LCIF Magnifies Service During Disaster What’s more powerful than a pandemic intensified by wildfires, hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquakes? Lions. Magnifying their service through LCIF. To support communities through the COVID-19 pandemic, LCIF awarded Lions across the world more than US$5.3 million, which they used to protect frontline medical workers, provide food for people out of […]

2019-2020 LCIF Annual Report

At the outset of my term as chairperson of Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), I imagined the day I would write this message, reflecting on global progress made possible by LCIF during the year. What I never imagined is how incredibly full my heart would be today. In a year like none before, I was […]

Power, Peace, and Purpose

As an 11-year-old boy fighting cancer in 1999, Michael Hunt learned many lessons. One has been unforgettable:
“Breathe in the light. Blow out the darkness.” Twenty years later, he is a black belt in Tai Kwon Do who works to help kids learn the power they have inside.

Club News – November 2020

The Avon Grove Lions in Pennsylvania donated to Camp Abilities at the West Chester University to support their program for blind children, and the club raised more than US$700 for the sight impaired through their White Cane Collection. The Orchard Park Lions in New York presented local restaurant gift cards to the Father Baker Manor […]

Relief from the Comfort of Home

Learning that your child has cancer is unfathomable. It is a moment you will surely never forget, sitting in the doctor’s office, trying to understand the words coming from the doctor, feeling as if the world around you is crashing. It is easy to let your mind think the worst, especially in areas of the […]