Club News – November 2022

The Lemon Grove Lions in California hosted a cornhole tournament with proceeds benefitting Fisher House San Diego where families of patients receiving medical care at Naval Medical Center San Diego are offered a “home away from home” at no cost. More than a dozen Lions from the Aurora Noon Lions Club in Illinois took part […]

Yoopers Put in the Miles for Kids with Cancer

When Rylan became sick his parents made the 1,000 mile round-trip journey several times a month to get him treatment. They did this multiple times a month, something any parent would do when their child is diagnosed with Stage IV High-Risk Neuroblastoma, a type of brain cancer. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon for families dealing […]

Volunteering Looks Good on You

It’s been a while since we all got together. And judging from the enthusiasm at the 104th International Convention in Montreal, boy did we miss it. While the COVID-19 pandemic changed how Lions do service, it hasn’t changed how much we enjoy doing it. The bright smiles, big hugs, and displays of club pride showed […]

Lions on the Run

Lion Mariusz Szeib echoed former U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s inspirational words about tackling the seemingly insurmountable challenge of going to the moon when he described running hundreds of miles to raise money to support children affected by the war in Ukraine. “We did it, not because it is easy, but because it is hard,” […]

Doing the Dirty Work

When Lions Dale and Sylvia McClease began working with a local program to refurbish computers, they didn’t expect that e- waste recycling would become one of their club’s most important programs. Now their Maple, ON club’s collection events, held on rotating weekends in the summer, can fill a 20-yard shipping container with electronics in just […]

The Mane Problem

Among the calming words of love that Albin Rothermel uttered to his wife in the painful days leading up to her death on Dec. 12, 2021, was the following promise: “I will not discard the lions,” he told Bertha, who went by the name “BeBe” and who would succumb to lung cancer at the age […]

Together We Can

Because we know that together we are more. Together, there are no limits.   A presidency that took flight in Bird Island To know Brian Sheehan is to know Bird Island, a small town in Minnesota where family and community are nearly one and the same. Families take care of one another, and neighbors look […]

A New Frontier

That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for vision. In early February, 2022, a team of researchers successfully implanted a first-of-its-kind artificial vision system into the brain of a blind volunteer. The Intracortical Visual Prosthesis (ICVP) bypasses the retina and optic nerves and connects directly with the visual cortex, creating the potential for […]

The Task of Lions

“Pain. We feel pain. We’ve packed up our lives in one suitcase.”
Marina wears a black turtleneck sweater and glasses as she sits in a comfortable flat in Ausburg, Germany. The pain she describes is evident on her face.
She is a kindergarten teacher and, until March, she lived with her young son and husband in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
“Everything was great,” she says through an interpreter. “And one morning it was announced that the war began.”

O Pioneers!

In early May 2022, Lion Corinne Masters saw a hint of green in the landscape. Someone else reported seeing a few flowers blooming.  A few farmers near Masters’ family land had cattle grazing. On an ordinary spring day this would not have qualified for conversation among the tight-knit people of north-central Kansas, where the pioneer […]