Standing Down—and Up—for Veterans

Flags will be raised, bugles will sound taps, and wreaths will be laid on November 11 as many Lions throughout the country pay homage on Veterans Day to members of the military—both living and dead—who have served their country. For Lion Elmer Madrid, a Vietnam War veteran and president of the Peninsula Special Interest Lions […]

Scaring is Caring

In their 45 years the Broadview Heights Lions have never hosted a pancake breakfast. In lieu of a day started with hot flapjacks and friendly neighbors, the Ohio club chooses to spend its year working on ways to scare the bejesus out of the unknowing and innocent at Bloodview Haunted House, their major fundraiser now […]

Club News – September 2021

In Pennsylvania, nearly 300 people attended the annual Lions Appreciation Day at Beacon Lodge Camp. Lions’ activities included games, a giant Name That Tune competition, a worship service, blind bowling, and camp tours. There was a basket raffle, an indoor expo for pin traders, a 50/50 raffle, a barbecue lunch, and The Great Duck Race. […]


The 2020-2021 Lion Year was unlike any other, and it culminated in a truly unconventional convention. In so many ways the 103rd Annual Lions Clubs International Convention was everything Lions have come to expect and more. It was a big event jam-packed with seminars, shows, guest appearances, and inspiring addresses. It brought together the greater Lions community, enabled them to get to know one another, learn about what other clubs are doing, discuss service, and have fun – all from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

A Noble Cause

Pat Lalor’s family has been farming in Ireland for a very long time – since 1844 to be exact. “It’s what we’re best at,” says Lalor, a slim 72-year-old organic oat farmer. Ireland is known for small-scale farming, with an average farm size of just about 80 acres according to the country’s national statistical office. […]

A Heart For Service

We serve with love and compassion in communities around the world. The selfless giving of our time and effort is precisely what makes Lions so special. When we give, we expect nothing in return. Yet we gain so much. Our service offers hope and connection in the face of great need and also extends an […]

Twenty Years Later

On Sept. 11, 2001, Shirley Brooks-Jones was on Delta Flight 15, headed from Frankfurt to Atlanta, from where she’d fly to her home in Ohio. She had no idea what was happening in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania or the real reason their plane was being diverted to Newfoundland. “We’ve got a problem with the […]

LCIF: A Foundation of Lions, a Foundation of Service

LCIF Magnifies Service During Disaster What’s more powerful than a pandemic intensified by wildfires, hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquakes? Lions. Magnifying their service through LCIF. To support communities through the COVID-19 pandemic, LCIF awarded Lions across the world more than US$5.3 million, which they used to protect frontline medical workers, provide food for people out of […]

Kindness Matters

Kindness comes naturally to Lions The Kindness Matters Service Award (KMSA) is given annually to a handful of Lions and Leo clubs for performing an outstanding service project in one of the global cause areas. Intended to recognize and encourage innovative and creative service projects that leave positive impacts on their communities, KMSA recipients are […]

Pioneering Geneticist Named Honorary Lion

As part of their annual Tribute Day, Arthur Riggs, Ph.D was invited by the Lions Club of Montebello to be an honorary member for his extraordinary contribution and incredible advancements in the fight against diabetes. In 1978 Riggs co-led the team that laid the groundwork for the development of the first synthetic human insulin with […]