LDUN Prompts Lion Sing-Along

Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN) has been an important Lion tradition for 43 years, taking the opportunity to showcase Lions’ commitment to peace and service that transcends politics and borders. This year was no different, even if it was just a little different. More than 5,600 Lions and leaders from 140 countries registered […]

Chocolate Tater Tots and Blue Feet

Losing her sight has not stopped Heather Bitzan from making her fabulous soups for her three sons. She can read recipes and food labels thanks to an ingenious device called the OrCam, a small camera attached to her eyeglasses that translates information into spoken words. “You know how boys are and eating,” says Bitzan with […]

Feel Good Moments

In early May, in the midst of all the interviews, pictures, and meetings that precede the announcement of a new President, VP Doug Alexander walked out of the Dollar Tree, heading across the street to complete his errands, when he found a wallet on the ground. Inside was a woman’s ID and $140 in cash. […]

Official Notice

The following proposed amendments to the International Constitution and By-Laws will be reported to the delegates for vote at the 2021 International Convention. Read amendments here.  

Candidates for 3rd Vice President

Svein Ǿystein Berntsen Svein Ǿystein Berntsen of Hetlevik, Norway, served as an International Director from 2014 to 2016. He is the owner and chairman of the board at a software group and is a member of the Askøy Lions Club. He has served as a board appointee, chairperson of the International Leadership Committee and chairman […]

Convention Call

In compliance with Article VI, Section 2 of the International By-Laws, I hereby issue the Official Call for the 2021 International Convention. Our 103rd International Convention will be held virtually. It begins on June 24 and ends June 29. The purpose of the convention is to elect a president, first vice president, second vice president, […]

Power, Peace, and Purpose

As an 11-year-old boy fighting cancer in 1999, Michael Hunt learned many lessons. One has been unforgettable:
“Breathe in the light. Blow out the darkness.” Twenty years later, he is a black belt in Tai Kwon Do who works to help kids learn the power they have inside.

Embracing the Beauty and Value of All People

The world has changed a lot since Lions was founded in 1917. And Lions have changed with the times. What started as an inspired idea has turned into a global movement, bringing kindness and compassion to countless millions through the incredibly diverse projects engineered by the equally diverse men and women serving as Lions.

Waiting for the Shot

Bob Mead-Colegrove was a nervous wreck. A new hockey dad, Bob had signed up to play music for his son Andrew’s hockey game. Andrew was playing goalie for Team USA against Team Canada and, at 16, he was the youngest person on the team. Bob settled in next to the people running the scoreboards, who […]

Leaving It All Behind

Liz McMillan was at a community event in Ashburton District, New Zealand, about an hour’s drive from Christchurch, when she heard the news. A white supremacist had attacked Muslim worshippers at two mosques in New Zealand’s second largest city of Christchurch on the South Island, killing 51 people and injuring dozens more. The gunman, Brenton […]